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National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis

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Our collection of academic publications and other research products reflects the discoveries and scientific advancements made by our working groups, postdoctoral scholars, and resident scientists.

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2111-2120 of 5296
  1. 2008 / Publications

    Fighting algae in Kaneohe Bay - Response

  2. 2008 / Publications

    Does it pay to have a 'bigwig' as a co-author?

  3. 2008 / Presentations

    The Global Fisheries Crisis in an Ecosystem Context

  4. 2008 / Publications

    Interspecific variation in primary seed dispersal in a tropical forest

  5. 2008 / Presentations

    Mechanistic distribution models: Incorporating demography and physiology

  6. 2008 / Presentations

    How does an animal's biology determine how its distribution will respond to environmental change?

  7. 2008 / Presentations

    Exploring biodiversity numbers for multilevel biological networks