Publications & Products
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Our collection of academic publications and other research products reflects the discoveries and scientific advancements made by our working groups, postdoctoral scholars, and resident scientists.
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2016 / Presentations -
2016 / Presentations Potential and barriers of offshore aquaculture
2016 / Presentations Aligning conservation and seafood production: Potential barriers of offshore aquaculture expansion
2016 / Presentations Opportunities and challenges in sustainable offshore aquaculture
2016 / Presentations Keynote: Opportunities and challenges in sustainable offshore aquaculture
2016 / Presentations Lecture: Opportunities and challenges in sustainable offshore aquaculture
2016 / Presentations WWF REDD+ community webinar
2016 / Reports VM0035: Methodology for improved forest management through reduced impact logging (RIL-C)
2016 / Presentations Spills and high volume hydraulic fracturing – an analysis of state data from Colorado, North Dakota, New Mexico, and Pennsylvania
2016 / Presentations Shale oil and gas and surface waters: identifying potential contamination pathways through evaluation of state notice of violation and spill reports