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National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis

Project Description

We propose to synthesize NPP data for forest age-sequence studies and use three ecosystem process-based models to determine the mechanisms(s) responsible for the age-related NPP decline for natural and plantation forests in contrasting climates. We will emphasize inter-ecosystem comparisons for a broad-range of forest biomes (tropical broad-leaved evergreen, sub-tropical broad-leaved evergreen, warm temperate needle-leaved evergreen, cold-temperate needle-leaved evergreen, broad-leaved evergreen, and broad-leaved deciduous and boreal needle-leaved evergreen forests) to examine the relative importance of three hypothesized mechanisms (an altered balance between photosynthetic and respiring tissue, decreasing soil nutrient availability, and increasing stomatal limitation leading to reduced photosynthetic rates) responsible for NPP decline in aging forests. A second objective is to develop physiology-based algorithms that simulate the mechanisms responsible for age-related NPP decline; these algorithms will be incorporated into ecosystem model (i.e. it simulates carbon, water and energy fluxes) to examine stand-age related effects on carbon dioxide and water vapor exchange between forest biomes and the atmosphere and potential feedbacks.

Full Text of Proposal updated March 1998 to indicate current activity

References to current articles related to this project (pdf file)
Current version of the proposed itinerary for workshop #1 (pdf file)

Application to GCTE

The Global Change and Terrestrial Ecosystems (GCTE) Core Research Project of IGBP maintains a portfolio of core research which is considered fundamental to current international research on global change impacts on terrestrial ecosystems. Each core research contribution is associated with one of GCTE's Core Research Projects. The DeCAF project has applied for recognition as GCTE core research within a Core Research Project entitled "Decline of Forest Productivity during Stand Development" under GCTE Activity 3.5 ("Effects of Global Change on Managed Forests").

* Information on Core Research Project 1 (corproj1.doc)

* DeCAF's application for registration as a GCTE core research contribution. (coreres1.doc)

Working Group Participants

Principal Investigator(s)

Stith T. Gower, Ross McMurtrie

Project Dates



Dan Binkley
Colorado State University
Barbara J. Bond
Oregon State University
Roderick C. Dewar
Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)
Stith T. Gower
University of Wisconsin
Stephen C. Hart
Northern Arizona University
Robert M. Hubbard
Rocky Mountain Research Station
Mark Jeffreys
University of New South Wales
Christopher J. Kucharik
University of Wisconsin
Sune Linder
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Robert Luxmoore
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Ross McMurtrie
University of New South Wales
G M.J. Mohren
IBN-DLO, Institute for Forestry and Nature Research
Nathan Phillips
Oregon State University
Lars L. Pierce
California State University, Monterey Bay
Michael G. Ryan
Rocky Mountain Research Station
Jeronimus van de Bilt
IBN-DLO, Institute for Forestry and Nature Research
Fred Watson
California State University, Monterey Bay


  1. Data Set / 1999

    Decline in Carbon assimilation of forests data set